Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Underwriting Your Title

Hopefully you haven't arrived here thinking that this was a post about insurance or home ownership, because I am not an expert at either. I have begun to think I am not an expert on anything. I got to thinking about my blog and my writing style and I realized that I may be too clever for myself.

Have you ever written a blog post title that you were super proud of, but then what you wrote in the actual post was fairly ordinary? I fear that in my attempts to get people to come read my writing, I've bait and switched them with exceedingly funny titles. It wasn't an intentional thing. I like to think of my writing as good, bordering on clever most of the time. But my titles are incredibly turn of phrase worthy.

I guess the eternal question abounds :

(no not the chicken / egg thing! That one is easy!)

Title or Content, which came first?

Do you have a method that you use? Frankly, I'm up and down on that.

Sometimes the content just bursts out and demands to be written down. With raging ADHD, I am content if I can capture half of what is bubbling up. Most of my rants or conversation blogs start as content, then I'll create labels based on the content and often the title will come from the labels. Think "yellow submarines in strawberry fields, umm...forever, yeah!" and Bob's your uncle. I think my favorite example of that kind of post was my post : Funny Rented Zombies in Dirty Coats... On Ice which didn't get as much attention as I thought it might. Again, snappy title, post got 19 views and 5 comments of which at least 2 were my replies (because I'm conscientious a suck up begging for additional kudos lets stick with conscientious)

Then other times, I get an idea for a clever and snappy title. I'm so proud of my title, I'm hesitant to let it take the car out after dark and I'm worried that other blogs will pick on it, so I let it mature, this is code for 'sit there waiting for the ADHD to subside long enough for me to focus on making it great.' So, I don't often wait for the two week waiting period to be up before I pull the trigger, so to speak. An example there is Poke-Mon, like Jamaican Me Crazy! which lit up for a whopping 12 hits and 1 comment (proving that I can not only write some crappy material, but I am crazy enough to remind you about it AND not reply to the one comment, sheesh!)

Now, sometimes I feel like I get the title and the post right, but the analytics seem to indicate something is still wrong. In the post soon to disappear for the Monthly Top 5, I Didn't Know I Had to Onomatopoeia Before I Left the House was a solid gold post. The 119 views were an awesome tribute, but to what? I can only think that :

  1. People really didn't know if I had made up the word
  2. Students were studying poetry and had to look up onomatopoeia, and I've cleverly got the definition on my page.
  3. People truly wanted to see where I would take them.

And given the 3 comments (and my 3 responses) I either :


  1. Stunned them with my simple humor
  2. Bored them to tears after they realized I did know what it meant.
  3. Did I mention stunned them with the pure awesome of my simple humor?

I went all pictureless with this post. I wanted to see if I could do it. Pictures are my blogging crack! I could find a picture and write an entire blog about it.


In fact, send me links to pictures and I will pick the most boring and most interesting and write a post about each, featuring only that picture. I may have to post another (perhaps first) with your picture choices so you know I am being legit.


Oh, and in the beginning God created animals male and female of each kind, I see nothing about eggs, so the Chicken came first, then had a cigarette, then crossed the road for various and sundry reasons.


Have you ever under-whelmed your title?





  1. Dude, you nailed the writing process for me here. I will occasionally get a topic that I just spaz on the keyboard trying to get it all down. Then I will structure those thoughts into a piece. Then I will get a title out of it.

    Here's the thing about titles for me, though. A lot of mine are awesome (in my opinion), but only awesome to readers after they have read the post. In other words, many of my titles are inside jokes between me and my readers. For example, in "Blood Work Makes Me Grimace," I talk about an insanely overweight woman wearing purple who sexually harassed me while she took my blood and I compared her to Grimace from McDonald's commercials.

    My titles are not designed to include "hot words" or whatever in order to get traffic to my blog, like many other bloggers do.

    Instead, I like to think of them as part of the writing.

    As a side note, my highest-traffic post has the word "porn" in the title.

  2. Ohh, can I choose chicken AND egg! Sometimes I have this great funky sounding title and I build the content around it, other times I just have lots of content floating around up there that I have to get onto paper, and I create the title after.

    Trust me not to have simple answer :)

  3. My site took a dive last night and I propped it back up, but Disqus detached  from the site, so when I put it back, it removed the Google comments that were there.

    I saw Youngman's and Sam's.  Thanks for those comments.

  4. Quite often I get a title first; I did for my novel (Maxwell's Silver Bullet) but content is more elusive most of the damn time.  I have draft post which built successfully upon the title, "Small stuff.  Seriously?" But it's still a draft because it's more revealing of inner demons that I expected.  I may still choose to post it, but for now it loiters in on my list, in limbo.

  5. Generally, when I get the title first, the content just doesn't flow.  In addition, I've found that titles that have a massive appeal tend to get the most hits.  If someone doesn't have a clue what to expect when they get to the post, they won't click.  Clear and concise gets the clicks.

  6. Sounds like my list. I typically have 4-8 Drafts with either great titles or starter titles and some material... Thanks for confirming I am not alone!

  7. Thanks Nicole. I find that when I make my title first, I rush it out the door and often it isn't great. If you missed it, I do like my strange titles, so I'm aiming for the audience that likes the unexpected, I guess :)

  8. I generally have content in mind first.

    And then I mull over it for a couple of days. I write a few lines here and there, mostly aiming for punch lines, or attempts at punch lines (you should see the stuff that doesn't get published... ouch).

    From these I sort of have an idea on how the blog will take shape. Then I start writing. I will find the point (hopefully) during, and spend edits moving stuff, or culling stuff to help make it tight.

    Plus I like to try and cull superfluous words, words that are just added, words that are too wordy, word words, needless flowery, boring imagery like a rainy winters day, words that make sense not... um... etc

    I then get the title after that. I never try and grab peoples attention from the title, never considered it, nor have I thought to lower peoples expectations by it. I guess I have used a title to help people interpret the tone of a post, but that is as far as it goes.

  9. Yeah, I readeded a blog (might have been Nicole's) that talked about how big words annoy readers because you're trying to appear smarter than them.
    I'm clever, so a play on words is sometimes my best friend and if I have to go high brow with a word or two, soviet, err so be it.
    I guess I wasn't trying to say I deliberately trick my readers into hitting up my post. I don't put 'porn' in the meta tags.
    I'm a bit strange, so my titles and tags should be expected to be a reflection of the strangeness of the post.

  10. Sometimes I think the turn around time between posts also effects the number of clicks.  I posted a "very funny" blog (it's not bragging if that's what Mr. Mynd wrote in his comment) which only got 1 hit (yay, Mr. Mynd.  My one devoted reader.)  I think it got overlooked because I posted again too soon afterwards, that and a holiday weekend was involved.  If anyone here would like to read a post Mr. Mynd thought was funny, here it is...

    Please just one more view, so I don't feel like nobody loves me! ;)

  11. I will be sure to read it again from my other computer, and I will comment again, but with an accent...

  12. womp womp.  i had a good one.

  13. I know dude, sorry. I can see it in the comments within blogger dashboard but I can't copy and paste... I'll look from the real computer tomorrow!

  14. Grabbed my "ruined" comments from earlier:

    Youngman Brown said:
    Dude, you nailed the writing process for me here. I will occasionally get a topic that I just spaz on the keyboard trying to get it all down. Then I will structure those thoughts into a piece. Then I will get a title out of it. Here's the thing about titles for me, though. A lot of mine are awesome (in my opinion), but only awesome to readers after they have read the post. In other words, many of my titles are inside jokes between me and my readers. For example, in "Blood Work Makes Me Grimace," I talk about an insanely overweight woman wearing purple who sexually harassed me while she took my blood and I compared her to Grimace from McDonald's commercials. My titles are not designed to include "hot words" or whatever in order to get traffic to my blog, like many other bloggers do. Instead, I like to think of them as part of the writing. As a side note, my highest-traffic post has the word "porn" in the title.

    Sam said:
    Ohh, can I choose chicken AND egg! Sometimes I have this great funky sounding title and I build the content around it, other times I just have lots of content floating around up there that I have to get onto paper, and I create the title after. Trust me not to have simple answer :)

  15. I'm not a writer, although I'm told I should write down some of my experiences, but I'm a reader and love every one of your posts even if I don't comment on them. I don't feel like I can be as funny as some of the other posters, who are bloggers, are so if I can't say something funny I sometimes choose not to comment. Reading your stuff is like taking a trip into the twilight zone. Since I'm ADD I can follow you though man. Love it!!!!!

  16. It is so great to hear that. Sometimes an Amen is nice to hear.

  17.  I shall remember that. ....AMEN!!!!!

  18. I love it,Excellent article.I am decide to put this into use one of these days.Thank you for sharing this.To Your Success!

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