Friday, February 24, 2012

I Am No Longer Susan Lucci!

Susan Lucci,
Emmy Award winner

Of course, neither is she...

Lucci, long a bridesmaid in the emmy categories for all that is / was daytime television, won in 1999 after 18 previous nominations came up empty. 10 years prior she took home a much smaller Soap Opera Digest award. She also took home a People's Choice award in 1992, but neither is of the prestige that an Emmy brings.

Good Youngman Brown has awarded me the Liebster Blog award that he received from CrackYouWhip.The spirit of the award appears to be honoring blogs with under 200 Followers, so in a way this is my Soap Opera Digest on the way to a Bloggie! I will take it. It is an honor with all the other writers out there to be chosen for the award. I am still a relative blogging newb, so an award like this will certainly keep me from being abused on SNL by cast and crew walking around with their own blogging greatness statuette, right?

In the words of Will Smith's character Edwards from Men in Black,


"Alright, I'm in. Cause there's some next level sheehoddy going on and I'm OK with that. But before y'all go beaming me up there's one thing you gotta remember. You chose me... so you recognized the skills, so I don't want nobody calling me son or kid or sport or nothing like that, cool?"


1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
Good Youngman Brown is a blog I recently started reading and I enjoy immensely. His wit is so devilishly close to mine that I get all his subtlety and he gets mine. As I am writing, I often think of Good Youngman Brown when I write something particularly clever or subtle. I thank him for seeing a glimmer of potential in me and awarding me his Liebster. I imagine if and when we become close buds, he will allow me into the elusive company of individuals who get to call him simply 'Good.'

2. Pick 5 deserving people and notify them on their blogs

1. Lainey's Life Lessons is a long time reader whose inner voice had to escape. She offers up her life lessons with a good bit of insight as well as humor. Catch her on her way up to super blogdom.

2. Fearless Fibro Warrior is insane, in a good way. Fighting her way through the pain just isn't her style, she's taking that pain for a ride with a smile on her face. Her blogs always have me laughing.

3. Just Keepin' It Real is another relative newbie on the blog scene and she has already been recognized with one award and I can't wait to exchange fake Hollywood kisses with her when I give her the, that sounded a little dirty. She lets it fly with each and every post.

4. Susan Says is nothing like Simon says... She is way better Brooklyn style. This is a woman who has hatched and fledged two boys, so she ain't takin' grief from the world. She always has an interesting perspective that makes even the nuttiest of us feel like we belong.

5. Jay's Ramblings is the best blog by a dude on this list, which is like me being the best Dad my kids have. Just because I'm the only one doesn't take anything away from it. Jay is my brother from another mother. We think alike in so many ways that often my ideas are augmented by something witty that he says. His ramblings are often a dialog between the voices in his head, but in a good, very clever and blow soda out your nose funny kind of way.

3. Post the award on your blog and spread the love.

And done.


  1. Thanks again! I hope you reap massive traffic from the honor.

  2. I'd like to thank the academy, I mean the blogger, for this award.  (Sniffle, Sniffle. Waving a hand in front of glossy eyes.)  You like me.  You really like me.

  3. I could go all "Thank you Jesus!!!" ala NFL players, but that seems so scripted.  Or, I might be, "I really couldn't have done it without my mom, and all the wonderful people who support me", but seriously, they aren't sick, I am.  So I guess I'm going to go ahead and thank my decrepit 39-year-old body.  And then also to the lovely Jane Juska, twice-published author about late-life sexual escapades (no, I'm not joking) who was my mentor in high school (once again, NOT joking).  Without her, I would not be the writer I am.

    Finally, a big shout-out to my homey WilyGuy, for finding me (how did that happen, anyways?) and reading me, commenting, and being supportive through all my f-bombs and pity parties.


  4. Congrats! From the looks of things, you are well deserving...look forward to reading future posts!

  5. Since you went all NFL reference on me, I'll return that favor and go all "coaching tree" on you. The coaching tree, for those of you who don't know is a way to track the lineage of a coach in the coaching world. For instance, both Tom Coughlin and Bill Belichek come from the Bill Parsells coaching tree. Why do I bring that up? I know that FFW knows all about that being a 49ers fan and hearing and seeing all the Bill Walsh assistant coaches leave that team.
    Long story, short (as if!) I found you through the Bloggess tree! I started blogging (my funny blog) after reading the Beyonce post.
    Much deserved award and I look forward to continuing to read your insanity!

  6. Thanks for passing it along to Youngman Brown! I think the spirit of the award is doing its job!

  7. Oh, excellent direction! I could have gone all Sally Field, but I think I quoted her already in a blog. I'll save her for my first bloggie!

  8. justkeepinitrealfolksFebruary 25, 2012 at 10:08 AM

    Forget the fake Hollywood kisses baby, this deserves a BIG OL' WET ONE, TONGUE AND ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Tom Cruise ain't got nuthin' on me 'cause I'm couch jumpin' from room to room right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You freakin' rock WilyGuy!!!! And if any of "the suits" cut off my acceptance speech I'm gonna flip them the bird just like Adele. In fact I think I will use Adele as my promo when I formally acknowledge my award and pass it on.

  9. Adele? I may have to rescind the award now, lol. Just kidding, well deserved!

  10. Congratulations! Good has definitely a fine picking finger, doesn't he? I'm a fan of subtlety, so I'll follow along!

  11. Congrats! And also, pooooor Susan Lucci. 

  12. Yeah, she for the shaft. I can admit to watching it with my sister long ago when there was one tv in the house. Thanks for the comment.

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