Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm Not Bad, I Just Suck at Drawing

A great new blogger I found, (which is to say my discovery (which is not to say I "discovered" her in some "I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demill" way) is new, she looks way too adult to be "new" herself) Zannah over at Write, Rinse, Repeat recently wrote about drawing in her blog and it got me thinking about why I don't draw in my blog.

Ummm, because I suck at drawing, I am a self proclaimed perfectionista and I'd erase more than I draw.... I'm to bad drawing what I am to bad punctuation and run on sentences.


Zannah recently won the popularity contest over at Now before you start getting all "of course the head cheerleader won the prom queen contest" on me, I want to state that you vote on blog entries and there are several "winners" but one is the most popular entry where it garnered the most votes. So yes, the hot blonde girl is your new class president. She did so without drawing anything other than drawing attention to herself with awesomely funny blog writing.

(Dude, why are you belittling this contest that you've participated in the last three weeks?) I've got my itty bitty widdle feewings hurt, just an itty bitty widdle bit. You see, you "compete" against 75 other people and the idea is you are supposed to read as many of the other 75 blogs as you can. You give your entry a picture and a title. Many people want to "brand" their entry to make it easy for repeat readers to find them, (which now that I think about it, why wouldn't you just follow those bloggers) anyway... So I played along this week with my picture and my twitter handle as the title. I guess I'm not one of the pretty people. Previous entries have received more than 100 hits coming from "the grid" whereas this week I got 36. So I must be so very gruesome looking that people shuddered to think they might have to click on my picture and see it potentially larger. (next week my entry is going to be a giant image of my face, but I'm going to use a picture of bunnies in the grid)

I will admit to not reading a lot of poetry and writing even less. I will click every link, likely not commenting on the poetry posts, but I do click them. I do so from the grid.

But I am abominable, or is it indomitable? Either way, I'm not letting it get to me. 52 followers and 20 or so Facebook fellowshippers and the dozen or so email subscribers have told me I am funny.


I've been practicing my drawing using Draw Something on my iPad. I got sucked in to that game by Aimee over at FFW and we have a game that is like 74 moves long. I think it is a tribute to our guessing skills (Scrabble skills) than my drawing skills, though I am sure she thinks as highly of her drawings as I do mine.

Here are some examples of my fantastic skills:











So, what did I draw here?



  1. My day job is in the "design" field, so we always try to be creative. Thing is, I too suck. A few books that I have if you're ver interested include:

  2. Was that deliberately blank?

  3. First of all, I thank you for the shout out. Secondly, your photo is not appalling. Thirdly, I voted for you. Fourthly, Jessica Rabbit is a whore. Fifthly, (filthy), I was in sutures (stitches) laughing at your Draw Something entries. Sixthly (sickly), it's been a decade since I was a hot blonde, and I never won Homecoming Queen. Seventhly, your 52 followers are correct. This blog is funny. 

  4. I loved this post. I'm sorry about the bruised feelings, and I don't feel you were belittling the challenge at all. I was thinking earlier today that it's probably time for a yeah write user satisfaction survey, but based on a few pieces of input, this one included, I'mma hold off on that for now before the results throw me into an alcoholic's depression. I'm very glad you'll be joining us next week.

  5. I'm guilty this week of only getting through half of the entries.  I think few people got through all of them. I ended up as 13th on the grid, and it seems like I got fewer hits from the yeahwrite link than when I've ended up lower.  Not that everyone who reads my entries votes for my writing - I mean, they SHOULD, but they don't - anyway...that makes little sense and it less help.  That said, I try to get to all the blogs by the end of the weekend, when it all starts over again! And that's the main point for me: Reading and being read.  

    "Because the greatest thing you'll ever learn is to read, and to be read in return."  (adapted)

  6. So clearly, no one commenting thus far is a Draw Something addict. Gonna answer left to right working my way down. If you confirm my answers I will 1) Give myself the Lurker Gold Star I covet 2) Click on your picture 15 times next week no matter what it looks like 3) Click on it 25 times if it is a bunny because chicks dig cute things
    Ketchup>J.Lo>torn between aneurysm, beef stew, or cannibal>horse>sundown>Medusa

    Your Yeah Write click through is now in your hands.

  7. I did read your post this week - don't know if I commented.  I gave up commenting half way through.  And I think I follow your blog now, but can't remember as my brain is barely functioning today.  If not, I will, because I enjoy it.  I don't notice the pictures really but I do recall specifically not thinking you were gruesome, if that helps.  I thought I would do better than I did this week and some weeks I see others where they land and feel like they got robbed.  I'm sure there's some scientific formula for this whole thing based on how many people are reading and how often people tweet and whatever, but I'm *trying* not to pay it any mind because I don't think it will get me anywhere.  The comments I get are thoughtful and I try to concentrate on that.  Those are my thoughts, whatever they're worth.

  8. I thought your fourth was hysterical. I'm gla you are basking in the glow of both your yeahwriteness as well as my shout out.

  9. I will get over it, I was a little bummed about my 36 views, which I figured was not as low as it seemed. But realistically it was 36 people who might not have read my insanity before.

  10. I can't ever remember if I enjoy people's posts. I always start to read all of them. As I said, poetry isn't my thing, some of the really sad stories I click away from. I am sure they are fantastically written, but I only afford myself an occasional down cycle.

  11. Jlo, horse, sunset, and medusa are correct!

    I may just put bunnies up.

  12. I'm not interested in figuring out the science of blogging success, thankfully. I'm sure it looks a little like a teenager trying not to get pregnant while catching a pig, all while performing a rain dance in your pajamas which are inside out. Dang it, that might be for snow.
    Thanks for reading and not thinking I am gruesome. Frankly my post was supposed to be about what I am entering next week, but the introduction was getting long so I decided to make it into a post.
    Next week, between the bunnies and the tragic comedic value... I can't miss.

  13. I voted for you every time.

    I didn't submit this week and probably won't next week either because I am working so much and knew that I would not have time to read everyone's posts.

    I once drew a really awesome Medusa in Draw Something.  I wish I took a picture of it.

  14. Ok why did you draw a picture of me.............yes that second on looks like me with my big fat

  15. You and I good sir have the same draw something skill - nil.

    If humour plus one'd itself, you would make it click over.

    (I think that means you're funny, but I may have to put that through a translator first...)

  16. Yes the results are in, you are funny. 

    tough break, now people have expectations

  17. Also, get "Paper" for your iPad and tell me what you think.

  18. OK before reading any comments I'm going to give it a shot...1. piehole 2. burtha butt singer 3. the only thing that comes to mind idiot (sorry) 4. horse  5. sunrise  6. Medusa.How'd I do?

    BTW - you draw just like my son does, haha. Anyway as to your being popular (I miss it when you miss more than 1 day posting), funny (I wouldn't follow you if I didn't find you funny, I need lots of that) and ugly (all I can say safely here, you being married, is that you are definitely not, that's as nice as I get).
    Caio for now...

  19. So my lack of page views and votes is all your fault... Lol

  20. That has already been correctly identified as Jlo. Obviously not you!

  21. I'm now the most interesting man on the planet? "he once made humor laugh at itself"

  22. Ah, yes, my old friend Expectations...did he being his date Potential?

  23. I will check it out. People at work are big on Penultimate.


  25. I will give you pie, horse, medusa, it was sunset. JLo has already been guessed for 2.
    Nobody got 4, which is 5 letters.

    Your comments are all quite kind, if there was a fan club, seems like you'd be President (which for some reason always reminds me of Marsha Brady and Davey Jones (RIP) from the Monkees)

  26. That is much better than anything I would draw. I can play the piano, paint, and speak several different languages. When someone makes fun of my stick figures, I'll just play the piano while I speak Spanish, and paint with my toes.
    Nice bum on that drawing, by the way.

  27. Thanks Nellie.

    If there is one thing worse than my drawing it is my foreign language skills. I failed 4 years of French and probably couldn't ask where the toilet is...

  28. I just did my first Yeah Write this week and had the same thoughts...about drawing. But then I remembered this: I can't.

    Read my post on Draw Something here:

    Love your blog!

  29. Yeah, our art skills are lacking... yours was a funny post.

    thanks for reading along.




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